Among the hottest styles of engagement rings, accented rings is one. Loved for its extra sparkle and coveted for its beauty, it is no surprise that this style is adored by women of all generations. So this year, the markers decide to take accenting to a new level. The result is a gamut of spectacularly beautiful accented rings that will take your breath away in one instant. The flair, the style and the concept of each of these rings are to die for. So, without more overture, let’s begin with the description.
Simply Accented
Let’s start with the daintiest of them all. This ring is as simple as can be, and at the same time, the most elegant. Studded with a row of accent stones on the band, this design is completely unassuming, but not in effect. The center stone is a vintage-style emerald-cut diamond that presents the point of focus. The accent stones illuminate the band from the sides giving a glow similar in effect to faraway blurry city lights.
Cluster Accent
Cluster accents are among the most popular accent designs in modern rings. To bypass the use of a great chunks of precious stones for the band shoulders, here the markers use clusters of small stones to produce similar effect. The arrangement of the stones hold sway over the carat size. You may like it, you may not, but you cannot overlook the bold element of this style. It’s classic and distinguishable, just how some want their rings to be.
Classic Accent
The classic accent is mildly decorative and appealing to good tastes. The classic accent ring normally showcases some detailing around the band, which apart from the trellis setting, is the only complex element of the design. The trellis setting, which imbibing the ring with a certain character also makes it durable to inevitable bumps and knocks along the way. The style of classic accent is indubitably elegant which makes it an easy pick for anybody.
Accented Lace Band
The accented lace band ring is another star addition to the family of accented rings. With a handful of vintage-inspired motifs like scallops, milgrain and other delicate inputs, this band is unbelievably romantic, very feminine and yet everything practical. It may have some inaccessible crevices around the band, but it is a ring designed solely for the modern woman. The contours are filled up with gems which only enhances the brilliance of the ring.