Loose Diamonds and Rings

More Options for Diamond Rings When looking for the diamond ring of your dreams, you may find diamond bands for sale without jewels. Likewise, you might find stores offering loose diamonds to clients. Buying finished rings and loose stones have their advantages. For the latter, connoisseurs get more flexibility over their rings. Part of the […]

Caring for Your Ring

Help Your Ring Stay Beautiful Diamond engagement rings, wedding bands and anniversary rings symbolize a lasting bond. They’re meant to be worn daily as a sign of enduring happiness. While love can withstand the ages, rings can be subject to daily wear and tear. Diamond bands may not look as pristine now as they did […]

The Romantic Meanings of Rings

Engagement rings, wedding bands and anniversary rings are worn as expressions of love between a committed couple. These bands, their gemstones, embellishments and designs are filled with symbols which underscore the pair’s devotion to one another. Even the finger these rings are worn upon is a sign of romance, referencing a vein said to lead […]

Choosing a Ring that Lasts

Among the most precious of rings are engagement rings, wedding bands and anniversary rings. While the metals and gemstones used contribute to their value, their greatest impact is symbolic. These rings signify a bond between two people who share or wish to share a life together. For jewelry with powerful meaning, it’s important that they […]

A Diamonds’ Journey

For a diamond to come to your hands, it must go through many steps. They’re formed 90-120 miles below the earth. Volcanic activity brings the jewels to the earth’s surface. Traditionally diamonds were mined in India, Brazil and later South Africa. Today’s loose diamonds are produced on five continents.

Some Gift Ideas That Will Keep the Smile Lingering

For significant occasions as birthdays and anniversaries, men often run short of ideas beyond perfumes and flowers. Conversely, a greater degree of effort should go into finding that one thing that would bring an easy smile across her lips.One thing that a woman can’t possibly not appreciate is a piece of jewel. Now, jewelry like […]

Diamonds Souvenirs Speak Love Like No Other

A gift to a close one always carries a high sentimental quotient. What you pick is reflective of how much you admire, appreciate and value that person in your life. Now, when we it comes to gifting your better half, it has to be a conscious pick, especially for occasions as her birthday or anniversary. […]

What Should You Consider Before Buying Three Stone Rings?

Diamonds are not mere adornment anymore. For some, it means serious investment while for others it is a unique stone that represents your love and marital status. However, the solitaire is almost passé now as very few can afford to gift the huge rocks for adorning the fingers of their lady love. Individuals, even celebs […]

Investing in Certified Diamonds and Jewelry

If you want to become a savvy buyer of diamond jewelry, you must know all the elements that go into purchasing diamond accessories. Always ask for a quality assurance certificate along with the jewel, which states the quality and transparency of the product. There are various online stores that can provide you with verified pieces […]