A Look at Diamond Sizes
Carat is a unit of measurement which gauges weight. In the jewelry world, it determines the size of gemstones. One metric carat is equal to 200 milligrams, or a fifth of a gram. It’s not to be confused with karat, which determines the purity of gold. Diamonds of all carats look good in engagement rings and wedding bands, though heavier jewels are notable.

Intense heat and pressure are crucial for forming diamonds. The same conditions which creates the stones make it difficult for larger gems to take shape. Cutting the gemstones sacrifices remaining carat. At the same time, greater carat sizes are in stronger demand for diamond rings. Between rarity and desire, it’s important to be exact with measurements.

Diamonds are weighed on electronic scales. These devices are so sensitive, they’re stored away from direct sunlight so air currents won’t skew their findings. Diamonds weighed on these scales are measured to the hundred thousandth of a carat. This number is rounded up to the hundredth of a carat on certificates and other records.

Budget conscious people looking for diamond engagement rings with larger jewels may want to consider certain cuts. Elongated shapes like pears, ovals and marquises look bigger than their carat implies. Mixed cut jewels like princess and radiant cuts combine brilliance with techniques that sacrifice less carat. Size should not limit your search for a beautiful ring.

Tiny diamonds, when mounted just so, can be as luxurious as bigger jewels. One means is through diamond halos, which add brilliance to any design. Pave and micro pave wedding bands create an extravagant look by covering the ring in jewels. Still more designs cluster little diamonds together to create the illusion of a single bright stone. If there’s a specific look you have in mind, feel free to contact us.