Buying high-end jewelry is a rare and absolutely thrilling experience. It’s not every day that you get to splurge on a statement piece that is worth its weight in gold. But with such kind of a purchase comes the responsibility of doing it right. There are no rewards for misses, even if it’s close. With your money, it’s the same. You get one chance and you have to get it right at the first time. That is why preparation is key to making sure that your experience doesn’t turn sour from lack of knowledge. Here are some mistakes to go around when buying haute joaillerie.
Not Double-Checking the Diamond Quality
It happens in one in every few cases where a buyer is sold a gem with the assurance of a quality that it is not. That is why it is not foolproof to take the word of your seller or believe in what’s on the paper completely. Once you can identify a case of misrepresentation, chances are you will be able to identify one when it happens again. For now, know that misrepresentation of diamond quality is common and one must adopt strict caution to avoid falling into such trickery.
Yellowish Diamonds Mined in Zimbabwe are Still Diamonds
True that low-grade diamonds are still diamonds, but why go for them when you are paying for a higher quality stone. People are often sold Zimbabwean diamonds that bear a yellowish tint as real, high-grade diamonds. You may not be able to tell at first, but if you make a side-by-side comparison between a medium-grade diamond and a yellowish one, you will see that the former is a lot clearer and cleaner than the latter. So, do not hesitate to make comparisons before buying.
Believing that a Gemstone Weighs Exactly As Many Carats as the Jeweler Tells You
There is no definite way of weighing the gems in an ornament separately. You can sure do the math to find out the real weight of the stone but most people do not go through that trouble. They believe what the salesperson tells them unquestionably. Taking advantage of their unsuspecting nature, many people have been sold gems smaller that the carat size mentioned in the invoice. Look for the third party lab certificate to know the exact size of the stone.