Engagement Ring Shopping – Solo Or As A Couple?


Shopping for an engagement ring comes with its fair share of worries. You would love to surprise her for sure, but try not to get surprised yourself instead in a not so pleasant way. Yes, the age old tradition demands that you leave your fiance strictly away and proceed with the engagement ring buying spree by yourself. But then, you know that she is a modern woman with a mind of her own so taking her along would probably be the best option.

It sounds exceedingly romantic as well plus she would be able to try it and you end up buying her the dream engagement ring and one that fits her finger snugly as well. Quite a lot of pluses there!
It is also much less stressful for you for there is no surprise factor involved. Neither do you have to worry yourself out by wondering whether your choice of the engagement ring would please her. Taking her with you may actually turn out to be a great experience on the contrary. She remains interested and happy while you do not end up developing stress related ulcers.
The world now has changed for good with women being able to hold their own. Think of project engagement ring as one of those things that need to be done together. Would you really leave out your partner when you go looking for a family car or a house? Why not invite her to the shopping for her engagement ring event too? You would certainly earn her respect.

There are quite a few minuses too in having your girlfriend tag along while you are intent on choosing an engagement ring for her. Taking her along might not be a good idea, if you are looking for something a little inexpensive, for instance. You definitely don’t want your sweetheart to think of you as a cheapskate right from the time you make it official.
Poof! The romance of popping the question by getting down on your knees is gone when she knows that you have the ring of her choice in your hands. Would you risk the flight of romance from your marriage right in the beginning?

You might have a little heart-to-heart with her just before you go shopping though and learn about her desires vis-a-vis the engagement ring. Another way to have your cake and eat it too is to ask her to pick up any 5 rings of her choice. You get back the next day and make the final decision.

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