Although solitaires are loved for their minimal and uncluttered look, people have warmed up to accented rings for their aesthetic brilliance and expensive appearance. To make things a touch more interesting, jewelers have done some hands-on experiments and in the process, creating some advanced setting styles for these accent stones. Accent stones being generally smaller […]

Split shank is a ring design in which the band splits into two before finally meeting with the diamond in the center. A wonderful mix of classic and modern, this design has gained upper hand in both vintage inspired and contemporary collections like only a few other exclusive designs like itself. A popular feature in […]

Wishing you could design your engagement ring right from scratch? Well, your wish has been granted. Jewelers today are more than just willing to accommodate all kinds of requests from their buyers, and even more, when it concerns designing a ring together from draft. Almost all jewelry companies at this point welcome their buyers to […]

Among the hottest styles of engagement rings, accented rings is one. Loved for its extra sparkle and coveted for its beauty, it is no surprise that this style is adored by women of all generations. So this year, the markers decide to take accenting to a new level. The result is a gamut of spectacularly […]

Wedding rings are for life. Some sellers have a deep respect for this fact and that shows in the sturdy make of the items in the wedding range. Others do not pay much attention to this reality, and therefore the rings they roll out in the wedding range are not structurally any sturdier than the […]

Your sparkler, like your skin needs special care in the winter. Although the seasons seemingly have a neutral effect on baubles, there is more than what meets the eye. As the days start to get shorter and the nights longer and colder, your bling needs to buckle up to survive the long and chilly winter […]

A pair of ear studs is every woman’s treasure. No matter what your style is, you will always find diamond ear studs a handy alternative to other kinds of earrings. Whether you like to keep it dainty or love to glam-up, these ear studs are invaluable to a woman’s collection. Here is a short guide […]

You finally got that sparkling ring you have been waiting for, now comes the part where you keep the sparkle up. There are many ways to do this. Some like to save their diamond jewelry for special occasions, which means most of the year, these baubles don’t see the light of day. While that’s a […]

Transparency of a diamond is like its smile. The clearer a stone is, the better are its aesthetics. That explains the clamor for clear stones in engagement rings and such sections where a diamond is the center piece. But what exactly is transparency, and why is it that some stones have so ample of it […]

How does a girl glam up for a date night or an evening event? Is it by staying true to her style, or does glamour come with flashy fineries? Well, of course your outfit plays a huge role, but the glamour quotient is never complete unless it’s finished off the right way. What the dresses […]